Thread: Arranging Data
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Old November 13th, 2014, 07:56 PM

Thanks for the stand alone thread. First if you are playing EOTE, AOR, or FnD, definitely checkout the Order 66 podcast. However, specifically for our discussion and the future of Realmworks check out episode 11 The GM Holocron 2.0. The basic idea it to make pre-created set piece encounters, and npcs, as a skeleton for game early game prep. Then when you need say a bar fight you bring in your basic bar room brawl set piece and add more specific descriptions for where the players are at the moment. The modular encounters from Sons of Fortune are an example of this, but with the flesh on the skeleton.

I will admit that I started using RW for my personal campaign which was an episodic "Firefly" like game. Where I got away from RWs is that I could not use it solely my game screen if you will. I had to have PDFs of the npc states open because I could not get it imbedded into my encounters. Seeing your data arrangements for the Paizos files you were using as an example at Gencon was helpful. If you could star screen shots of your Star Wars stuff that would be great.

I am currently using the OggDude's Character Generator
( for characters and npcs creation. I would love any suggestions on how to upload stats from this generator to RW. It would be amazing if there was a herolab file out there, but understanding LucasArt's digital rights I know that is wishful thinking.

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