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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old October 31st, 2014, 08:02 AM
Here's the complete change list for this update:
New Releases!

  • Many of the classes from Advanced Class Origins is now available as part of the Pathfinder Player Companion #17 package. This includes the bloodrager, investigator, slayer, swashbuckler, and warpriest sections, as well as some content from the arcanist section. The remaining clases will be added in a future update.
  • Content from the Monster Codex is now available as a separate package.
  • Content from Ships of the Inner Sea is now available as part of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting #13 package.
  • Content from Rite Publishing's In the Company of Monsters is now available as a separate package!
Enhancements & Changes

  • The Summary Panels have been redesigned. There are now fewer of them, they each display more data, they're wider than the old summary panels, and if needed the entire panel will scroll up or down to show additional data.
  • Added a new adjustment, "Add Spell Type to Class", which lets you combine a second class' spell list with a selected class on the hero. For example, you could choose the sorcerer class on the hero and have it merge in the Cleric spell list, allowing you to add any cleric spells to your spells known.
  • The CR of monsters now calculates more accurately, taking into account which classes are key for the monsters role. When choosing classes to add to a race with racial HD, the Key classes are marked.
  • Monsters from Bestiary 1-4 have been marked with their appropriate Roles. Monsters from other books do not have a role defined for them, so they will show a Role selector to the right of where you choose the race on the background tab. This selector will also be shown for a race which has a default role and that has had the "Customize" button checked, so users can change the default role to something else.
  • A breakdown of how the current CR is calculated can now be viewed by mousing over the CR total on the Classes tab of a hero.

  • A new 'Experimental Options' section is shown in the list of hero settings, allowing you to show a large statblock view as a replacement for the "Basics" summary panel. Tell us how you think you would use this feature! (Please note: Using this option is not recommended unless you're using the Hero Lab 6.0b beta.)
Bug Fixes

  • Skald's Vigor wasn't displaying its fast healing.
  • Psionic power points weren't being computed correctly.
  • Nereid Fascination wasn't computing its DC properly.
  • The Weapon Mastery revelation was granting Improved Weapon Focus early.
  • The Shaman's spirit magic spells were showing incorrectly in the statblock.
  • On the iPad, weapons that should have been hidden could sometimes appear on the "Play" tab.
  • The Spit Venom feat was not showing its charges in the Tracked Resources table on the In-Play tab.
  • The Androffan language was incorrectly spelled "Androffen".
  • The Maestro of the Society trait was not adding rounds to the Skald's Raging Song ability.
  • The Desecrate spell adjustment was not applying a situational to saves mentioning the bonus against positive channeled energy.
  • The Darkleaf Cloth material was reducing the arcane spell failure change below its stated minimum of 5%.
  • The Occult mystery and its associated revelations were missing the source for the Occult Mysteries book.
  • The Knife Master Rogue archetype's Blade Sense ability was applying the situational multiple times.
  • The Eldritch Raider Rogue archetype's Eldritch Intuition ability was applying too large a bonus.
  • Added an item power for use with the Craft Reliquary Arms and Shields feat.
  • The Osirionology feat was selecting among Charisma skills instead of Intelligence skills.
  • The Cacodaemon wasn't requiring its master to be level 7+ in order for it to be available as an improved familiar.
  • The Drow Noble's racial spell like abilities were not actually added as spells, and so were not displaying their description or benefitting from effects based on school or spell type.
  • Spell like abilities granted by templates were not showing in the statblock.
  • The voidstick item was missing from the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path.
  • Hunters were gaining their bonus feat from the Precise Companion ability at first level.
  • Ambitious Schemer wasn't making the selected skill a class skill.
  • SbNamePar.AppText tags weren't acting correctly.
  • Absorb Blow wasn't providing resistance to electricity damage when active.
  • An arcanist who gained the arcane bloodline from the Bloodline Development exploit was gaining the Hand of the Apprentice ability instead of an arcane bond.
  • Ghasts were not counting as ghouls for feat pre-requisites.
  • Greater false life had incorrect duration text.
  • The Aboleth race was not gaining all knowledge skills as class skills and it's slime and mucus cloud abilities were not showing correctly in the statblock
  • The Astral Deva race had several SLAs that were bootstrapped at the wrong spell level
  • The Planetar race was not showing the true seeing on the senses line, and had several SLAs were bootstrapped at the wrong spell level. The stock portfolio needed adjustments since choosing to fill higher level spell slots with lower level spells.
  • Intense Artist wasn't applying its trait bonus.
  • Underbridge Dweller was missing its situational bonus to perception.
  • The Dueling weapon ability from the Pathfinder Society Field Guide was missing its combat maneuver bonuses.
  • The giant mantis was missing its flight speed and had an incorrect reach.
  • The Free Agent trait from Pirates of the Inner Sea was misnamed as Free Spirit.
  • The cave fisher was missing its bonus to CMD vs. trip.
  • Clerics and other classes which have the deity name appended will no longer fail to import into d20pro.
  • If a spellcasting race was set up so that it's magic/caster level is the same as its HD, and you added the Additional HD option from the Classes Tab, the additional HD would not be incorporated into the magic/caster level.
Data File Authoring

  • Added the abValue5 field, whose use is similar to the other abValue fields.
  • Added the Helper.CombScPrLs tag. When applied to a class helper, it will combine the list of primary and secondary custom specials into a single list. You will also need to apply the SQListHide.Secondary tag to the class helper, so that the secondary table ability is not shown again in it's own listing. This is used for the Alchemist, which uses seperate tables for discoveries and grand discoveries, but should show them all in the same list in the statblock.
  • Added the Helper.NoCstGrp tag. When applied to a class helper, the primary table's abilities are not grouped together in parenthesis, but merely listed individually. For example, it would change "Cavalier Orders (Order of the Paw)" into "Order of the Paw".
  • Added the SbNamePar.AppTextCom/SbNameApp.AppTextCom/LvNamePar.AppTextCom/LvNameApp.AppTextCom tags. Adding this tag will cause the appended text to be preceded by a comma instead of just a space.
  • Added the pUsePicks2 field to adjustments, which allows the second selector for an adjustment to independantly decide whether it is choosing from picks or things. As with pUsePicks, 0 means choose things, and 1 means choose picks. This is used for the new Add Spell Type to Class adjustment.
  • Added the ClassRole and RaceRole tag groups. When there is a match between the ClassRole tag on the class helper and one or more RaceRole tags on the hero, the amount that class adds to CR is increased because it is Key. Note that a match for the Spell role only counts if the racial spellcasting stacks with the class' spellcasting.
  • Class Levels now forward their ClassType tags to the hero, which can be counted to know, for example, how many PC or NPC classes a hero has.
  • Added the Helper.SwashWep tag. When applied to a weapon, it counts as a swashbuckler weapon and will be affected by the swashbuckler's class features.
  • The Helper.ExtraIter tag can now be added to weapons. The weapon will get an extra iterative attack (as if it had high BAB) for each time this tag is added.
  • The Templates tab has been improved so that it can be used to create Class Templates like those in the Monster Codex.
  • The arrays and matrices for spellcasting on classes, archetypes, etc. have been expanded to 50 rows so that they are large enough to cover the Class Templates from the Monster Codex.
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