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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old October 31st, 2014, 08:01 AM
A new update of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available from the automatic updates mechanism within Hero Lab.

We've added the Monster Codex in this update - lots of new items, feats, and variant races to use to modify the monsters you'll be throwing at your players, so that you can still give them surprises with familiar monster races. This book also has nearly 200 NPCs - Monsters built with class levels, ready to drop into an encounter. This package is available for $9.99.

From Rite Publishing, we've added In the Company of Monsters, which contains six evocative player races and racial paragon classes that are sure to bring new and exciting encounters to your game. Includes new options for the Gargoyle, Giant, Ironborn, Minotaur, Restless Soul, and Wyrd races. This package is available for $9.99.

We've also added Ships of the Inner Sea to our existing Campaign Setting #13 package. This package is available for $4.99 already includes Undead Unleashed, and will get at least one more book from Paizo's Campaign Setting line in future releases (the exact book or books are still to be determined).

And although we're not finished, we didn't want to delay getting you all the portions of Advanced Class Origins that are finished. This has been added to the existing Player Companion #17 package, which is available for $4.99 and already contains Champions of Corruption, and will get another book from Paizo's Player Companion book in a future release. The portions of Advanced Class Origins that are finished are the Bloodrager, Investigator, Slayer, Swashbuckler, and Warpriest classes.

This update also includes player content from Adventure Path issue 87. We've also improved the CR calculations, so that Hero Lab now takes into account Key Classes when calculating CR.And we've redesigned the summary panels. There are now fewer of them, each is wider, and they can now scroll to show everything on them if there's not enough space.
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