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Old October 19th, 2014, 01:32 PM
Let's face it, wizards will not allow their product to be issued to anyone else whilst they are paying a 3rd party company to build their own product. Magic, your work sounds awesome but none of us will ever experience it due to licensing issues which won't change. I love the new 5th edition and am starting a campaign this week with (for the 1st time in a long time) very little digital support. I have spent 3 days building an excel character generator and game tracker. Unfortunately my understanding of the Authoring Kit is minimal, despite reading the 300 page manual (might try a chinese version). So my point is that we can discuss 5th edition for HL as much as we like, it won't happen (well at least not until Wizards need more money and release 6th edition in 2016)
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