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Old October 3rd, 2014, 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Exmortis View Post
Asking for cloud storage for free in my opinion is unreasonable, this isn't Google or Microsoft.

Just use the backup option, it is not LWD's responsibility to provid free backup services for RW. Store it on a NAS, or CD, or USB stick, or external HD.

However maybe a cost reduced cloud backup feature allowing only the owner to sync? that maybe a cool idea for those that never intend to use cloud sync to players. I think the player sync feature is truely one of RW's better options, but I also have a play group totally comprised of computer at the table users. Not everyone is going to be in that situation.
I believe you have misinterpreted my statement.

I'm not asking for "Free" cloud storage... If I buy a digital product, I expect to be able to download it whenever I need to or want to. They don't have to put a full copy into everyone's cloud storage account, just a link to the storefront showing that you purchased the content and are entitled to download your clean copy (read unmodified copy). If you modify/customize your purchase and later on loose it due to some unforeseen event then you are S.O.L. in my opinion as far as the modifications/changes go if you don't have the cloud to sync up to and/or didn't back up your data.

If you don't "Pay" for cloud storage you don't get to push things up to the cloud. But you should be able to pull down materials you purchased from LWD's storefront/exchange through a single mechanism which in my opinion would be the cloud.
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