Thread: M&M 3rd ed. GM Kit for HL?
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Old October 2nd, 2014, 02:25 PM
How exactly would you expect that to work? Right now there's a huge list of prebuilt powers in HL with all of the Power Profile and Gadget Guide stuff, so odds are pretty good if you type in the name of a power or even a descriptive word it's going to filter the list down to something close to what you want for that power. Wolf Lair might be able to add in all of the powers and arrays in the QCG section of the Deluxe book and make them searchable by name in the same way, so adding powers to a random build could be quicker. I don't think the same could be done with the rest of the character, though, at least not without some major alterations to HeroLab at the basic level.
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