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Old August 26th, 2014, 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Dervish View Post
Mirtos i think maybe you think i was mad when i made my post .... to clarify i was not mad, I was being honest. I do not care about those aspects of realmworks because i am not going to use them. Printing and exporting are things i can use so i will hammer away at it until either we get it or I am banned from the forums.
Please be aware that continually hammering on the issue won't actually make printing/export happen any faster. If anything, it slightly hurts your cause. The repeated harping and the rather strident/belligerent tone you chose to take in post #38 of this thread actually begins to sound like nagging, regardless of whether that's the intent. Remember, it's all about perception. The net result is that our impulse is tune you out. Fortunately, there are lots of other calm voices asking for this feature, so we're resisting that impulse.

Votes are votes. Each vote counts the same as everyone else's here on the forums, regardless of how loud or quiet a particular user chooses to be. Once we get Player Edition out, it's the number of +1's and distinct voices on a thread that will ultimately tell us how our users feel about a particular feature. The "squeaky wheel" approach works in many situations, but it won't in this case. Your optimal course of action is to get more +1's on this thread.
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