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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old August 24th, 2014, 10:05 AM
That *IS* the "canned statement". It's the exact same thing we stated in the July newsletter and here on the forums a few weeks ago. Please see the link below for the complete details:

I'm not sure how you translated that answer into "at least 6 more months", especially if you're being optimistic. If you had asked "When will Realm Works solve world hunger?" or absolutely any other "when will" question, the answer would have been the same. We are focused on Player Edition right now. Once that's done, we'll be determining what's next, and the Feature Requests threads will be a strong influence in that process.

We have one more Beta release planned for Player Edition in the upcoming days. It's our hope that this will be the last Beta release and we can shortly get Player Edition out the door. After that, we can start figuring out what's next.
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