Thread: 2014 Gencon
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Old August 20th, 2014, 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by EightBitz View Post
So, is there any official news on Numenera for Hero Lab? Someone suggested there might have been some smokey, backroom talk at GenCon.
Nothing official to announce yet. The conversation was in the middle of the MCG booth, and I didn't see any smoke, so I think someone embellished for effect.

Overall, I think the conversation went extremely well. They seemed very positive, and there definitely appears to be a strong desire to work together. However, we still need to sort out a variety of details before anything can become official. That process always takes time, so I don't expect anything concrete for at least a couple months.

As Liz indicated in another thread, we'll absolutely be announcing new licenses as soon as there is something official in place. This applies to MCG or anyone else.

If anyone wants to see licenses put into place for their favorite games, the best thing to do is let the publisher know that (a) you want to see it happen and (b) you'd buy the licensed product if it were available. If publishers know their fans want something, that gives the publishers confidence that they are investing their precious time wisely and they are generally inclined to make it happen.
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