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Old August 14th, 2014, 07:42 PM
Hey guys, sorry for the delayed post. Obviously the big release this time was the advanced class guide and the new adventure path content. We'll be playing catch up to get the recent Player Companion and Campaign Setting books done when we return from GenCon. Till then, happy gaming!

New Releases!
  • The Advanced Class Guide is now available for purchase as a stand alone data package!

Enhancements &amp Changes
  • Added the Iron Gods Player's Guide.
  • Since there are now several different classes which pull custom special abilities from other classes, the use of abCategory tags has been expanded and the category of a custom special is now displayed when selecting it. Thus, your investigator can see at a glance which options he can pick are Rogue Talents, which are Investigator only Talents, and which are Alchemist Discoveries.
  • Added the Light Shield Proficiency feat, which was needed for several classes/archetypes from ACG.
  • The Monk's various Ki expenditures which were formerly part of other abilities, have been split off into their own class specials. This is because they are technically part of the Ki Pool ability. For example, the Sacred Fist warpriest archetype grants ki pool (and the ability to spend a point for +20 speed), but it does not grant fast movement.
  • Added an "other" gender option, allowing you to enter a custom gender for the character.

Bug Fixes
  • The Urban Druid archetype's Resist Temptation ability was applying an incorrect situational.
  • The Bootlegger archetype's Liquid Courage ability was adding double the number of charges it should have.
  • The Bonded Firearm feat was applying an untyped bonus to attack, instead of a luck bonus.
  • The Sea Witch archetype was missing its 6th level bonus patron spell.
  • The Spell Info button on the class tab was not updating the attribute referenced when that was changed by an archetype.
  • The Blood of Heroes oracle revelation was applying an untyped bonus to damage, instead of a morale bonus.
  • The Lymirin Discourses (Third and Fourth Acts) gear item was applying an untyped bonus to damage, instead of a sacred bonus.

Data File Authoring
  • Added the sClassNot tag group. You can tag spells with this to specifically exclude them from a certain class. For example, the Hunter uses the Druid and Ranger spell lists, which have a lot of overlap. Any spells that are duplicated are supposed to use the lower level example. Thus, all higher level duplicates have been marked with the sClassNot.cHelpHun tag, so only the lower level copy is available for selection.
  • Configurables can now dynamically determine whether their bonus feat tables should ignore pre-requisites or not. If the Helper.BonFtNoPre is present on the configurable, then the primary feat table will ignore pre-requisities. Helper.SBonFtNoPr fulfills the same function for the secondary feat table.
  • Added the cBonFtTxt field to class helpers. If text is placed into this field, it will be shown in the header of any bonus feats added through the primary table. This is used to warn users to be extra careful when adding Brawler bonus feats (as they have a rather vague requirement for what should be available). The cSBonFtTxt field does the same thing for bonus feats added through the secondary table.
  • The macro #allowuntrained[ID] has been added to simplify the process of designating a skill as one that can be used untrained
  • Added several new AbReplace tags, for Sorcerer Bloodline Xth level abilities. For example, adding AbReplace.cSorBl9th will search through the bloodlines' bootstrapped class abilities, find the one bootstrapped at 9th level, and disable it. This includes logic to correctly identify which is the 9th level ability, should there be multiple bootstrapped to that level.
  • The Grit/Panache/Luck all use the trkGrit special, but with a Helper.Grit/Helper.Panache/Helper.Luck tag on the bootstrap. This is to allow them to calculate the charges using different attributes and pool them into a single tracker.
  • Added another new AbReplace tag, cMnkStunFi, which replaces all the different stunning fist monk abilities with a single tag.
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