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Old August 8th, 2014, 12:13 PM
Good day all,

I have just recently purchased a MS Surface Pro 3, and I will be using it to run hero Lab in our weekly gaming sessions as a player, and as GM aside my laptop which will handle RW.

Purchased specs:
Core i5, 128GB SSD, 4GB RAM, w8.1, + SP3 only mechanical keyboard. I also picked up a UHS-I 533x 32GB MicroSD to use as a data drive. This keeps my data file soff the smallish SSD and allows me lots of space, my OneDrive is also here made usable offline. The new pen is a bluetooth active pen, very very slick device.

Hero Lab usability:
First and foremost I cannot believe how snappy and well HL runs on this little i5 duo core system with only 4GB ram and windows 8.1 Give MS credit w8 is far easier on memory than w7. I own every paizo PF add on, ToH, and run the full CB user files. Its snappy as my full bore i7 quad core lappy (both run SSDs).

The 12' screen is a sweet spot for HL, my friend has the SP2 with the 10.8, and while its good too, the extra screen does help. It is also amazingly crisp, clear and easy to read.

Over all it is the dream HL machine in my opinion, as well as a full bore PC in less than 2lbs.

The issue:
HL does scale on this screen, as it is 2160x1440. First off, cudos to LW developers here, the scaling is near perfect. The text is awesome, and I have noticed so far no readability issues what so ever. But saying that, I have noticed that scaling cuts off the UI summaries. So even though on a 1920x1080 screen all summaries are visable, with my 2160x1440 it ends with "magic Items" Summary if you have the dashboard up (mounts, pets etc.). If you do not have the dashboard up or hide it you regain "Specials" summary. So you lose "In-Play" and "Spellcasting" no matter what, and "Specials" if you have the dashboard up.

Now I hide many of the summary tabs, no need for gear summaries and the like, but if you want them all up and visable they are not. Worse there is no way to "scroll" left/right to see them, in fact its like they are not even there. Only by hiding ones can see others coming into view from the right.

Unless LW solves the screen scaling view issue, this is something you all must be aware of. It could be rather annoying for some people, but again I turn off enough of those UI summaries anyway that I see every one I want. But others may not.

I know HL was not designed with higher resolution screens in mind, heck many apps have similar issues. windows 7 doesnt handle it well, but w8 seems to fine. So LW is not alone here, but I hope movning forward they take some time to fix this, even adding a scroll bar to the bottom would be great!!! I d love to see the abiity to "size" the summaries and have a scroll bar there at the bottom always!

I have not yet loaded RW, I will get to it, and post there if I see any issues.

Bottom line:
Except for this little niggle, I am loving HL on a tablet vs. my 10lb gamer lappy I was hauling around.

The SP3 is not cheap though:
$1050.00cdn for my specs
$120cdn for the mechanical keyboard (its backlit though!!!)
$50cdn for the extra power adapter (handy USB charging port in brick)
$45cdn for the 32GB micro SD card
+13% taxes (yep they stick it to us here)

If I was not a gamer, this with its dock would be fien computer as well. If you buy the i5 or i7 model with the dock you can run two external screens AND the tablet screen! As it is, you get a mini DP port on the talet so ytou can run an external screen with out the dock. You get 1 USB 3.0 port as well as a single headphone jack.

Any how, happy gaming!

*NOTE* I use HL for Pathfinder, which has 10 Summary tabs if you play a spell caster (basics, skills, feats, weapons, armor, gear, magic items, specials, in-play, spellcasting + possible dashboard). Using HL with other game systems will cause your mileage to vary with regards to my info above.
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