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[Feature Request] Random Treasure Generator


Well-known member
This might seem a bit of a stretch, but I figured I would put it out there anyway. I know we have the dice roller built into hero lab, but would it be possible to add a random treasure generator, based on elements like party level, xp progression, whether we want more coins or gems and art, incidental, normal, double or triple normal? Something that we could just input a few things and hit generate and the treasure trove appears?

Not sure how viable this is, but it is something I would be interested in seeing.

Since I use Hero Lab to keep abreast of all my Pathfinder books, errata, etc. Being able to have all available treasure, town shop availability, etc in one place would be great.
I came here to suggest the same thing, actually.

Additionally, I would love the ability to creatue a custom wand (or potion), and tell it to put a randomly determined spell on it.
Well, now with the encounter builder, I suppose that makes a little more sense to have in there. They could just use the rules from apg/ultimate campaign to at least generate wealth for the individual npc's and put it in the notes for use...
Well, now with the encounter builder, I suppose that makes a little more sense to have in there. They could just use the rules from apg/ultimate campaign to at least generate wealth for the individual npc's and put it in the notes for use...

I think it would be great as an integrated part of the Encounter Builder personally. It would be nice if Hero Lab could just generate a list of treasure for the encounter and output that list (bottom of the tactical console would work for me).
The 'Kyle Olson's' free program 'Combat Manager' has a feature like this.

Pick the level of the treasure.
The level of coins, goods and items.
You can force a certain number of items, and choose from Minor, Moderate and Major.
You can 'via check box' include or omit a category such as: Magical Armor, Potions, Scrolls, etc..

Something with similar functionality, built into Hero Lab would be nice.
Having treasure tracked by the program, so it can be transferred to the characters as they loot it... that's very nice.
While I admit that a built-in treasure generator would be cool, there are so many great online ones (like the one Angela2013 mentioned) that I don't see the appeal.
It would be nice if the treasure was interactable, allowing you to just click on an item and it automatically gives the Hero Lab version to the PC. However, I cannot see it being worth using over any of the dozens and dozens of very good generators online. There's thousands of items in Pathfinder (over a dozen thousand if you include magic items and incorporate 3.5 content) and unless LW can put together a truly comprehensive (and accurate) generator I simply don't see myself using it over the others. I have a bookmark folder specifically dedicated to generators, most of them item based, and between all of those I've hit most of the items in Pathfinder and D&D. With such easy-to-access generators already available it just doesn't seem LW could feasibly match them in terms of items.

Of course if they can find a way to simply let the generator algorithms use the items that are already in Hero Lab, then it would be sublime. This would probably mean adding some kind of specific tag to each and every item though, so you don't have things appearing in the wrong category or level range. Undoubtedly that would be a real job, especially since most people would also want this functionality to extend to the community data sets (although that's in the realm of community work and not the job of Lone Wolf staff, they would still need to add the functionality in the editor which is additional work).

I welcome to be proven wrong though. I'm 100% behind any good generator built-in. If it lived up to expectations I would be happy to pay for it which (barring the community somehow making it on their own) I suspect the effort involved would necessitate regardless.
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It would be nice if the treasure was intractable, allowing you to just click on an item and it automatically gives the Hero Lab version to the PC.

Now this would be sweet. I picture a little bit more integration down the road with Realm Works to. A page where, after an encounter, the GM just dumps all the items/money the NPC's had from Hero Lab to a spot in Realm Works where the players can view/click the items and transfer them to their own characters/portfolios if needed...