Thread: Module Example?
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Old July 23rd, 2014, 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by AEIOU View Post
@morval: I really like your presentation. I think that's likely how modules will come to us from the store.

@meek75: I've adopted (adapted?) a very similar organization for my material.

I lean more toward meek75 than morval's example because I run campaigns rather than one-off modules. For me, one of the greatest tools RW brings to the gaming is the ability to blend material and to combine modules seamlessly by allowing us to cleanly edit material. Printed modules are great source materials but they've always been presented in a narrative format that makes them easy to read but don't have enough white space to personalize them. With RW, modules are just Legos that can be reused and reshaped to my heart's content.

I can plop a module in and by changing a link I can change a city name throughout.
I can change a 2e module into Pathfinder by replacing stat blocks.
I can blend a city sourcebook, a region sourcebook and 2-3 modules to create a rich sandbox.
I can grab iconic PC's from a module, change names, alignments and personalities and voila, instant nemeses.
I can link Harn with City State of the Invincible Overlord with Bard's Gate with Sanctuary.
I can use a map from RotRL as a found item in a treasure horde.

I definitely want to know where material came from for reference in case I want to see the original context. But when store content starts flowing, I'll probably be moving the relevant pieces of the material I buy out of Sources and into the rest of my Borg...errrr...I mean campaign structure. And then hiding Sources completely. (However, given how many times I've changed my mind in how I organize things in RW since November, this too is subject to flip-flopping...).
Well put, I agree. I was more looking at how a module would be intended to be entered. But if its my own world and work then I would do it more the other way as well.
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