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Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 94

Old June 19th, 2014, 10:42 AM
I have pretty bad neck issues so keeping my head tilted down at a laptop would probably exacerbate my neck probs and I don't own a working one so I would have to procure another which isn't in the budget. I may have to get another monitor to put on the table we setup near me and have them just rearrange the living room when we play so I can face everyone instead of the TV. Unfortunately I can't afford it right now with all the medical costs and loss of income.

I am now leaving the screen res resizer open and switching back and forth when I surf or try and do some realmworks/scrivener stuff. Usually I have CC3 and Fractal open as well and bounce back and forth as I get ideas but changing screen sizes constantly is a pain but it is better than eye pain. Still have a ways to go as I am building a world from scratch.

Definitely appreciate the suggestions though to all that have offered help.
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