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Old June 13th, 2014, 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Joe View Post
Yeah, Realm Works actually should work reasonably well at 150% scaling, so it's unfortunate that you can't use that setting due to other apps behaving badly.

I know it's not ideal, but have you tried using the screen magnifier tool that comes with windows? This would let you zoom in on areas of RW you're having trouble seeing but without other apps being affected.

As for changes on our end, our main goal is that Realm Works interacts well with widely available accessibility tools and settings like screen scaling and screen magnifier. If you encounter difficulties using either of these options, let us know and we will do our best to resolve them. While we aren't opposed to making other simple tweaks that would make Realm Works more usable to a wider audience, building custom accessibility tools into Realm Works is not trivial and needs to be balanced against the overall needs of the product.

That said, the small size of text in player view specifically is pretty much a problem for everyone. The product is designed for all your players to be viewing player view on a second screen, and unless they are somehow all very close to it (which is challenging at a standard gaming table) this is not an ideal scenario. While we aren't certain exactly how we want to tackle that problem just yet, we definitely aren't happy with where that's at right now and will be taking steps to address it in the future.

Hi Joe,

Thanks for getting back with me again. Yes I have tried the magnifier and with my screen at 125% I still have to up the magnifier to 150% and large portions of the app flow off the screen and it slows you down tremendously and it the behavior is a bit annoying to deal with while you are trying to work in realm works.

I can see where the second screen problem would be an issue as well in my case the monitor for the players would be a much smaller screen. I can probably work around the second screen option though I never had that functionality running games before and it wasn't really the selling point for me it was more the organization and linking of data etc.

Right now I am limiting my time in RW as I am straining looking at the lists of stuff I have entered in the World/Story Almanacs and also when I pull the individual data sheets up as you have no control of the labels and some of the data in there either. Any other help/ideas would be appreciated.

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