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Well-known member
I didn't any other like minded threads so here it is:

It would be nice to have some random generators in RW. Here are some examples:
1. Location based random encounter generator
2. Random weather generator
3. Events generator (uprising, riot, assassination, terrorist attack, prophecy, important birth/death, plague, natural disaster, declaration of war, etc)

A pipe dream would be to have the weather generator linked to the upcoming customizeable calendar to generate weather based on the seasons.


P.S. It would be really cool if I could link Ebon (best name generator out there) to RW.
When you add a new snippet go to "Documents and Media" then "HTML Page." You can add a link to your favorite generator. You could create a group called "Generators" in User Notes and have a snippet for each generator.
There's a bunch of random generator discussion in this thread: "I'm sorry but,".

I use a few different online name generators to create characters. The other stuff I roll myself, make up, or handwave.
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While I agree that random generators (of all sorts) are useful, I also agree with Ruhar's approach... no need to re-invent the wheel when there are many generators out there to use.

@ Madmaxneo > I agree the Ebon is pretty cool!
Others worth a look are....
Various Name Generators>http://fantasynamegenerators.com/elf_names.php#.U5Krw3Ao4cA
Dungeon Generator>http://www.myth-weavers.com/generate_dungeon.php
Random Town Generator>http://inkwellideas.com/roleplaying_tools/random_city/index.shtml?east=low&west=random&south=random&join=eastwest&rotation=random&test=6771597&submit=Refresh%21
Just to toss out a few...
Ebon (Everchanging Book of Names), my favorite name generator is not web based. it is on my PC. It's an awesome generator and has support for quite a few old real languages and support for a multitude of fantasy settings including fictional books.
If anyone is interested you can find it here: http://ebon.pyorre.net/

I'm missing something obvious because smarter people than me are posting that this is a viable solution for embedding generators.

I just tried to link the generators that Dark Lord Galen listed. When I choose the HTML PAGE snippet, it gives me the option for a file name. I can't paste from clipboard. And the file name requires a .htm, .html or .mht file extension. Most generators are .php.

How are folks linking to these locations???

And as an aside, if the link is to a .html file in the directory that is opened by RW, that is the default temporary internet locations directory.... If that link is cleaned up by Firefox, what happens to it in RW?

Thank you in advance!
HTML Page snippets are for snapshots of a web page you saved out of your browser or have created yourself. They're not loaded from the Internet and you can't edit them in Realm Works as far as I can tell.

You could, I suppose, create an HTML file with links to the generators and load that into Realm Works. I'd rather just use bookmarks in my browser.
Ahhh, so generated data, not the generators themselves? Static webpages only rather than dynamic. Is this correct?

It would be nice then to have an object that loaded an actual web page and that allows a .php extension in order to access generators and other dynamic content. It may need to launch our browser of choice rather than display within RW. I also understand that this may be a security nightmare so a warning box that we are accessing data in the intertubes would be handy.

And by extension, it might also be nice to have an object that launches a program on our local computer for things like EBON. Again, security, warning, may not be available to all users, etc.
Ahhh, so generated data, not the generators themselves? Static webpages only rather than dynamic. Is this correct?

It would be nice then to have an object that loaded an actual web page and that allows a .php extension in order to access generators and other dynamic content. It may need to launch our browser of choice rather than display within RW. I also understand that this may be a security nightmare so a warning box that we are accessing data in the intertubes would be handy.

And by extension, it might also be nice to have an object that launches a program on our local computer for things like EBON. Again, security, warning, may not be available to all users, etc.

You can embed URL's in a snippet and it will be clickable. When you click on it, it will open in your default web browser. You can also highlight text in a snippet, right-click, and select "Hyperlink..." to open a dialog allowing you to link arbitrary text with a specific URL. Either of these options would allow you to hook up an online generator so it is a click away.
@davidp: THAT worked. Thank you so much! Very simple.

So for an active link to any web page, we can create a hyperlink within a standard Text snippet, NOT as an HTML Page snippet as everyone keeps proposing in the two threads.