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Old May 27th, 2014, 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by senjak View Post
SeeleyOne, how about sort of the opposite?

Is there a way to limit a skill level to the current character rank? ie, novice characters would only be able to put 1D4 into it, seasoned could put up to 1d6, veteran can have 1d8 and so on?

Yes, there is a way. In fact, I use it in my own house rules. I will copy-paste my own, which has d8 max as Novice, d10 max as Seasoned, and d12 max as Veteran or above. I decided on that as it lines up the best with the Edges.

What I had to do was make a copy of each of the skills. And then I had to do a "Replace Thing ID" for each of them. For example, my skboating has a Replace Thing ID for skBoating. It will require you to always use that in any game that you play. If you do not want to use it, just remove the file from the folder. Do NOT give it a source as this will cause it to clash with the Encounter Builder and some of the supplements (Fantasy Companion's Familiar comes to mind).

Then in each of the new versions of the skills you need to have an eval script, which can be copy-pasted as below as it only affects the specific skill.

    var xp as number
    var skillMax as number
    xp = hero.child[resXP].field[resMax].value
    skillMax = 4

    if (xp >= 20) then
      skillMax +=1

    if (xp >= 40) then
      skillMax +=1

    this.field[trtMaximum].value = skillMax
Enjoy! What I did was I copy-pasted the code to a text file and then copy-pasted it to each of new copied/replace skills. That is a bit quicker than copying it from another skill.

My code has 25 and 50 for the XP values because I have added an advance per rank. I did not look but I think that the normal values are 20 and 40.

Evil wins because good rolls poorly .... or the players are not paying enough attention to the game.

Last edited by SeeleyOne; May 27th, 2014 at 03:23 PM. Reason: I remembered that my xp values were off because I made them +5 xp (one advance) each.
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