Thread: I'm sorry but,
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Old April 29th, 2014, 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by immotus View Post
overly complicated, overwhelmingly disarrayed, extremly user UNfriendly,
I'm sorry you don't like it, but there's no way for us to agree, disagree, or offer suggestions without knowing what problems you've had. Details! :(

Originally Posted by immotus View Post
and lacking the one thing, THE ONE THING MOST NEEDED by game masters in the 21st century; Procedural content generation for the ambient world in general.
I'd have to disagree. Since I stepped behind the GM screen again two years ago I haven't felt any need for what you're describing here. I just make things up as we go or we handwave them. There's a limit on how much detail is needed based on your GMing style, your players, and the type of campaign.

Having generators available as plug-ins or calls to web services or whatever would be cool, though.

Originally Posted by immotus View Post
And, btw, have you people ever looked in a campaign sourcebook? You should check out the heirarchy sometime, it's been pretty much unchanged for 30 years.
Lists of places, people, and specialized mechanics? Seems like there's spots for all that stuff.

It would be neat if we could customize the high-level groups. While we can't right now, you can still make whatever hierarchy you want if you'd like: create a topic named "My World" or whatever, give everything in the Almanacs a Containing Topic under it, and make sure that Show Containing Topic Hierarchy (in the Navigation Pane Options menu, F6) is turned on. Then you can create whatever hierarchy you want.

Last edited by Parody; April 29th, 2014 at 10:33 AM.
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