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Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 57

Old April 18th, 2014, 10:46 AM
Yet again, I'm banging my head against my keyboard trying to figure out why a script is not working. The script is as follows:
Post-attributes; 10000
   ~Get our encumbrance level - if we're encumbered by that, or if we're wearing armor or shield, we're disabled
   if (hero.tagis[Encumbered.Light] = 0) then
      perform assign[Helper.SpcDisable]

   ~If we're not shown, disabled or the first copy, get out now
   doneif (tagis[Helper.ShowSpec] = 0)
   doneif (tagis[Helper.SpcDisable] <> 0)
   doneif (tagis[Helper.FirstCopy] = 0)

   ~assign our climb speed and climb skill bonus
   #value[xClimb] += hero.child[cMnkSpeed].field[xCount].value *10
   #skillbonus[skClimb] += 8
Timing - After Script; Encumber Final
This code is very similar to, and running at the same timing as, the Monk's AC Bonus and Fast Movement class specials but while those seem to work perfectly when adding armor or being encumbered, this one does not. It simply dos not disable as I would expect. As far as I can tell, the Helper.SpcDisable is not reaching the class special and I simply do not understand how or why this is happening.

Now I've played with timing, including learning that Encumber Final runs at Post-attributes; 2000. Nothing I've tried in Post-attributes gets it work and if I move it to Final Phase, anything after 15000 disables it completely. I'm very lost on what is going on here and now believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with my code.

Thanks again, in advance, for any help.

Last edited by Anpumes; April 18th, 2014 at 11:46 AM. Reason: Forgot to actually include my problem...
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