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Old April 7th, 2014, 07:54 PM
Why create a Category for Player's Guide? That seems counterproductive to me. Instead, enter the locales, NPC's, lore from the Player's Guide and mark just the snippets from the Player's guide as "player revealed". Add more snippets to really flesh the locales, NPC's, lore out and don't reveal that. That way all the information on Ashwood or Celwynvian or Hook Mountain is in one place.

As for mechanics, I'd reckon most people are skipping that for now. For Pathfinder, it's a guaranteed add-on package I would reckon. The only reason to add mechanics is if you are playing a less-supported game system or you don't want to spend the money for the official version. That said, most companies will want to encourage people to use their system so maybe they'll all be free or not contested when users produce community versions.
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