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Old April 6th, 2014, 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by Farling View Post
I suspect that there will be a standard category layout which will be used for all published Pathfinder content.

It may, or may not, match the standard RW categories (there are some ways in which the standard Pathfinder layout/information doesn't map so easily onto the RW "generic" category structure).
Yes, that's exactly what I expect as well. This also holds true for the mechanics, as well.

Since I want any new mechanics I add to mesh as well as possible with any published versions, I am not entering any mechanics at the moment. I will wait to see what the official version looks like, first.

As for the Golarion information, and the AP-specific information, I have been entering Second Darkness, and have some thoughts.

1) I created a new Category for the Players Guide with sections and snippets that match the published one. All content is revealed at the start. I've added place-holder snippets for advice on new classes that was not in the original Second Darkness Players' Guide, and will add what I think is the appropriate advice later.

2) Focus on the Story elements. Enter only as much of the World details as you need. That includes deities, nations, geography, and so on. Even if you later decide that you don't want to pay for the official version, you will probably want to enter this information yourself once and re-use it (which the Repository/Marketplace is expected to allow you to do); that will probably not be in the same Realm as you are using to run the AP now.

3) Be prepared to re-organize the information. Some information is presented in encounters, but it is really about other NPCs, places, items, events, etc. Be prepared to go back to the relevant topic and add the information there... while the encounter may have a GM Note that the information can now be revealed.

4) I have created "Adventure" and "Adventure Section" topics to correspond to the 6 volunes of an AP. I use the Identifier with a code to track things like "AP13.6 A1" for "AP volume 13 Part 6 location A1". Think about how you may need to re-use Locations and Individuals.. and maybe put the "permanent" Location/Individual information in the appropriate Location/Individual topic, but anything that is encounter-specific (such as Tactics for an Individual) into a Scene topic for that encounter, which I then make a child of the Adventure Section.
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