Thread: A few ideas
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Old April 1st, 2014, 04:23 PM
Been using this product for a few days now and I'll give a few suggestions for things that would make my life easier.

I absolutely love the feature to clear formatting and remove line breaks. I'm copying text from some rather old PDFs and until now I have loathed every moment I had to spend fixing the formatting. Line breaks every few words, excess spacing due to layout, strange fonts, inconsistent font sizing -- all gone with a few clicks. Fantastic! It needs to be expanded everywhere including dialog boxes like adding a plot point.

Hotkeys. There needs to be hotkeys for common snippet operations like the above as well as a the ability to change from Text to GM Note with a single key press.

Customizable formatting for text is great, but users need the ability to define persistent styles. The adventure I'm using is D&D based. I would love the option to have a quick style button to define text that is meant to be read aloud. There are many uses for formatting templates, so I would just define a few simple ones and give users the ability to add their own.

I'm sure I will come up with more when I use this to run my next session, but until then....
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