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The One
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Old March 29th, 2014, 01:03 AM
I'm not a fan of cloud based services, as it effectively requires that you give up both control over the files, and often surrender the intellectual rights to the file content, and additionally makes you entirely dependant on having an active internet connection any time you wish to make use of your product.

Originally Posted by The Power of the Cloud
"In order to ensure that users CAN change their minds, a few basic operations (e.g. realm creation) require coordination with our server during creation. That way, content created today can be put into the cloud a year from now without any problems."
Is the above actually true? That without internet access, you can't use the product? Being able to create a new realm is a pretty fundamental step to make reliant on internet access and should be entirely unnecessary.

If it is true, it smacks of the same high-handed thinking that EA got itself into trouble with over the latest copy of SimCity, that in wanting to offer an online service, it was made mandatory for all participants to be online to make use of the software.

It should be a simple enough task to have had the realms generate a unique ID, from a combination of the user licence and a standard guid to allow the servers to be notified at any time of a new realm wanting to be uploaded to the cloud.
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