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Viral Platypus
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 50

Old March 25th, 2014, 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by MPHopcroft View Post
I can see a point at which it becomes clear that you can only do so much. Fate is so hackable, and so frequently hacked, that I can't think of very many actual campaigns that will be using a completely standard character sheet. For example. now that I've read the Fate Freeport Companion, which replaces the skills pyramid with "skills" based on the d20 stats, and character sheets that include both those and the FAE Approaches, it's obvious that a chargen program as hackable as Fate itself is not going to happen.
Yes, but to easily customize what's there is important.

1. Add and subtract aspects (mostly done) and rename the phases
2. Toggle skills and add new ones (done)
3. Toggle Stunts and add new ones (done)
4. Add/change Stress Tracks (done)
5. Set base Stunt and Fate Points (done)
6. Defining Extras (sort of done as stunts, but not fractally)

This is all done through the editor, but it would be nice if some of it could be done in Hero Lab for those who aren't proficient with such editing and are intimidate by it. Especially if you just want to make minor changes.

It would also be nice to be able to use the Fractal Concept and have 'children' of a character that can also have 'children'. So you can define items and followers and even places if you want.
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