Thread: Unique Group ID
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 79

Old March 20th, 2014, 11:23 PM
I'm all for sharing my work with the community. I feel that it'll make the software better and more complete.

The underscore in the feat and race names are only there to bring it to the top of the list so I don't have to sift through the list to do a test. Much quicker and efficient. On the final product, most underscores will be removed. In addition, I decided to do 01 and 02 because there are A LOT of dragons in the list and it would be easier for me to figure out the order of the drakes by number.

As for the bootstrap and the #skillbonus, it worked when it was on the Custom Ability. Not sure what's going on here. That's why I posted the query.
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