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Old March 4th, 2014, 03:27 PM
So I see the weight limit is set to 500 lbs. And thought that would be fine.

Then I created a Were-bear and found out that an average Kodiak Brown Bear is 700 lbs. (Who knew). So maybe up the weight quite a bit.

Also, even after putting in the correct refresh cost for stunts, the math isn't adding up. I have a base 6 refresh game going on, and have allowed up to 7 stunts in my campaign to start with (for pure humans). But the problem is after all my stunts are put in, my refresh should go down to 2 and it's at 4. So not sure if the game is giving the first few as freebies with no cost or what is going on but it's not adding up correctly.

Next, I'm sure there's a way to do this that I don't know about, but I add a stunt and everything looks great, except I need a field where I can have a user add text kind of like you have for the "Custom" stunt. But mine works like this...

Stunt (Power) "Inhuman Toughness" refresh cost 2. Requirement need to add "The Catch" (also a stunt the gives you back refresh but creates a loophole to the stunt). I have it set up that I can't take "Inhuman Toughness" without taking "The Catch" which is fine so far.

The character takes "The Catch" which forces them to pick something that bypasses their toughness. A.k.a. Werewolf toughness bypassed if hit with something made of silver. This gives a refresh of 1 or 2 back to the player but you also need a text field to type in what bypasses the toughness so they can type in "silver".

So it should look like the stunt "Custom" Where it says "Custom" and then has a text field next to it to type in the stunt. But mine would say "The Catch" and have a text field next to it to type the catch in (silver).

I tried to copy the Tags based off of "-Custom Stunt-" but the text I get supersedes mine with "Custom" instead of "The Catch". So I know I'm close but just missing something.


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