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Manic Modron
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 22

Old March 3rd, 2014, 10:34 PM
It looks like it will be a great start.

1. Agree with DR above, showing CR and XP would be great. The opening blurb mentions it, but it doesn't seem to be active yet. Also, being able to key in a CR and add critters till the CR is full would be an awesome thing, but I think that was mentioned as part of the end goal.

2. An easier way to sort by type would be very helpful. Searching for "cold" terrain creatures brings up anything with Cold in the text, even if it isn't a mechanical term. Not a big deal since does that, but I'd like a onestop shop for these things.

Nothing bad has happened so far. Hopefully I'll use it soon and see if anything snaps apart or clicks together.
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