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Old February 24th, 2014, 04:32 PM
Also, I forgot, you need to add stunts / powers that are positive effects on refresh. In the case of A werewolf (Shape Changer) in Dresden this is a power that gives refresh as they are required to have it, but it can cost up to 2+ in refresh (not -2) if they take rare or involuntary change.

All you would have to do for this effect to take place is to allow negatives in the edit field. Normally a cost of 1 for a stunt is -1, but if you put in -1 it would allow it to be a +1 in refresh.


See following text excerpt...

Human Form [+1]
Description: You’re a shapeshifter, but when you haven’t shapeshifted, you’re just a normal person.

Skills Affected: Varies.

Regular Joe/Regular Jane. Specify which of your supernatural abilities (usually most or all of them) are unavailable to you when you’re not shapeshifted into your “powered” form. As long as you specify at least 2 points worth of supernatural powers, you gain back
1 point of refresh for making this choice. If you only have 1 point of supernatural powers
affected by this, Human Form is not worth any refresh.

Rare or Involuntary Change [+1]. If you are only rarely able to take your powered form
(due to involuntary change, rare times of the day or month or year, etc.), you regain
two points of refresh for taking this ability, instead of one. The total cost of the abilities affected by the Human Form must be greater than the amount of refresh points paid back by this effect. So to get this version of Human Form, it must affect at least 3 refresh points’ worth of powers.
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