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Old February 8th, 2014, 12:59 AM
Actually, this could apply to a lot of things.

I'm currently putting together the critters from the Wrath of the Righteous adventure path, and I'm doing the "Vescavor Swarm". Now, I saw that it is from the "Lost Kingdoms" Campaign Setting, which I have activated in HL.

I went looking for the VS, and couldn't find it. "Hmm...I thought. Never mind - sometimes specific critters aren't in there." So I went to the editor to start to create it. Went to create the "Ravenous" abililty, and lo-and-behold, there is already a "Ravenous" ability for the Vescavor Swarm.

When I check the "Races" in the editor, the Vescavor Swarm was in there! But I can't for the life of me find it in the stock portfolio list. I've done a search in the "C:\ProgramData\Hero Lab\data\pathfinder" folder but to no avail.

Sooo...does anyone know where this pesky little blighter might be? Or if there is an efficient way to search for critters in the database, because it can get time-consuming to have to hunt around rather than a quick search.


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