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Out of memory


Hello all,

After I installed the latest datafiles from December, I am no longer able to run the Card vault app. I get a message stating that I am out of memory and then the app says it cannot continue and closes. Is there a manual way to back out of the latest datafiles to see if I can bring the app up? Is there an underlying database that needs more memory? I am running Windows 7 with 4GB memory.


Thanks. I was running 1.5a. After the upgrade, it seems like my licensing info is now gone. How does licensing work for Card Vault? I don't think I have my old licensing info laying around... Does the new version require that I purchase a new license?
I got the email. When I go to the License menu and click on Install License, my original key comes up properly. I fill in my email address and my last name and zip and then I get the following message:

Your license expired prior to the release of the product version you are trying to utilize.

I don't recall that my license had expired. I actually thought the license was a permanent license without expiration.

Did my license expire?

