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Old January 6th, 2014, 09:24 AM
The problem with implementing this feat is that it creates an entirely new kind of companion. It's not strictly an animal companion, nor does it fall under any of the other categories (familiar, mount, etc). I think we have two options. The first is to see if we can use a feat to add an animal companion to a character, then have that feat modify the companion to strip out additional benefits a true companion gets. The other is to create a template that could be added to any animal, but this would mean having to manually increase HD since the cohort would not be connected to the character in any way other than being in the same portfolio. Obviously, the first option is more desirable. I'll see what I can do.

Well, it took me a little while, but I finally figured out how to add an animal companion to a class. This doesn't mean I have the solution, but its a start. I'll continue with this tomorrow, and see if I can make further progress.

Last edited by Sendric; January 6th, 2014 at 11:51 AM.
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