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Old January 6th, 2014, 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by TobyFox2002 View Post
Each region has multiple race options, to use bootstraps I'd need to create one trait for EACH race/region combination. Which I would rather not do if I could avoid it.
Not true. Based on your script, you want to assign the character the following languages if they are Human or Half-Elf:


To do this with a bootstrap, you can use the following condition:

hero#Race.Human | hero#Race.HalfElf
I've already done this on my end and tested it. It works just fine, so assuming that my interpretation of your intentions is correct, you can do this for all of your traits for whatever languages they are supposed to add.

Also, on your pre-req for Aglarond, you can reduce all that code to:

validif (tagis[Race.Human] + tagis[Race.HalfElf] + tagis[HasTrait.trPFAdopte] <> 0)
Yes, I found a source for all of the languages which turned out to be some bogus homebrew creation. So I had to delete all of the languages which leaves me with nearly three dozen orphaned tags. I've tried to delete them but I cant seem to find a way to do so.
I don't get those errors, so in your portfolios, I would recommend deleting the old languages, and then re-adding them. Alternatively, you may try the "Strip Missing Sources" option under "Portfolio" in the menu if it is available.

OK, so I tried to re-create the use file, and I couldn't get rid of the error. So, then I started over, and created a trait called "test". As soon as I add this trait to the portfolio, I get the error. There are no scripts, tags or anything else on this trait. Therefore, I can only conclude that this error is a bug in HL. As frustrating as it is, I think you should just ignore it. The good news is that as a user, you probably won't see it. If you do, it would only be the first time you select it.
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