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Old December 23rd, 2013, 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by skwyd42 View Post
So, many months ago I looked at HeroLab for 4E. At the time, there was apparently problems with creating characters using any of the "essentials-based" classes.
Well, let me tell you this:
I created a 12th level Hexblade with both Hero Lab and the online CB. The exact, same character!
Str 14 (+8), Con 15 (+8), Dex 17 (+9), Int 11 (+6), Wis 11 (+6), Cha 21 (+11)
STR 14, CON 15, DEX 17, INT 11, WIS 11, CHA 21

Hit Points: 82, Healing Surges: 8, Surge Value: 20 hp
HP: 82 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 20

AC: 25, Fort: 22, Ref: 22, Will: 25
AC: 27 Fort: 22 Ref: 23 Will: 25

1, At-Will Power: Basic Melee
1, At-Will Power: Basic Ranged
1, At-Will Power: Eldritch Bolt
1, Daily Power: Hellfire Blast
2, Utility Power: Spectral Fade
4, Utility Power: Lesser Planar Ally
5, Daily Power: Roaring Storm of Cania
6, Utility Power: Fey Switch
7, Encounter Power: Winter's Retributive Escape
9, Daily Power: Summon Warlock's Ally
10, Utility Power: Spined Devil's Boon
11, Encounter Power: Chaotic Mind Curse
11, Encounter Power: Curse of Age
11, Encounter Power: Curse of Shattered Armor
12, Utility Power: Dark Invocation
12, Utility Power: Elemental Invocation
12, Utility Power: Fey Invocation
20, Daily Power: Feywild Transformation
20, Daily Power: Shadow Transformation
22, Utility Power: Master of Magic
At-Will Power: Icy Skewer
Encounter Power: Cloud of Darkness
Encounter Power: Darkfire
Encounter Power: Piercing Shard
Utility Power: Soul Step

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Drow Racial Power: Cloud of Darkness
Warlock Utility: Soul Step
Warlock Attack: Icy Skewer
Warlock Attack: Piercing Shard
Drow Racial Power: Darkfire
Warlock Attack 1: Eldritch Bolt
Warlock Attack 1: Hellfire Blast
Warlock Utility 2: Spectral Fade
Warlock Utility 4: Lesser Planar Ally
Warlock Attack 5: Roaring Storm of Cania
Warlock Utility 6: Fey Switch
Warlock Attack 7: Winter's Retributive Escape
Warlock Attack 9: Summon Warlock's Ally
Warlock Utility 10: Spined Devil's Boon
Legendary Hexblade Attack 11: Curse of Shattered Armor
Legendary Hexblade Utility 12: Fey Invocation

Aberrant Mark of Terror, Armor Proficiency: Scale, Cunning Stalker, Master of Fire and Darkness, Resilient Focus, Rod Expertise, Sacrifice to Caiphon, Weapon Focus: Light Blade

Level 1: Rod Expertise
Level 2: Aberrant Mark of Terror
Level 4: Weapon Focus (Light blade)
Level 6: Cunning Stalker
Level 8: Sacrifice to Caiphon
Level 10: Armor Proficiency: Scale
Level 11: Master of Fire and Darkness
Level 12: Resilient Focus

(Items are the same, but HL doesn't show them on the statblock, so I just copy them from the CB in case anyone wants to recreate the hero)
Blade of Winter's Mourning Fey Pact Weapon
Adventurer's Kit
Rod Implement x1
Helm of Seven Deaths x1
Magic Scale Armor +2 x1
Incendiary Ring of Fireblazing x1
Blade of Winter's Mourning x1
Unfettered Thieves' Tools
Amulet of Life Protection +3 x1
Survivor's Belt x1

Needless to say that almost all the numbers on the powers are wrong! So, I think that I answered your question. Sadly, if you want to create an Essentials character, HL should not be an option.
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