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Old December 10th, 2013, 01:17 PM
Ok, Requests for Shadowrun 5:

As you do for Pathfinder Society, can you make an option for a 'Shadowrun Missons' character that supports the limitations of the Shadowrun Missions character Creation?

Any chance of a Calendar for Shadowrun Missions that will allow you to track Lifestyle automatically?

Please support Karma for Cash/Cash for Karma options.

What are your plans for supporting things explicity in modules? There is one module available for 5 with an additional Truck not in core, a Rocket Launcher not in Core, and some other stuff not mentioned in Core. If it was statted out in the system, would you include it as a separate package or as part of the main data, or would I need to offer it somewhere else for free?

All I can think of for now.
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