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Old November 7th, 2013, 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by bodrin View Post
The minimum listed pre req books don't necessarily guarantee error free files. See the post by shadow prior to this one, The Reign of Winter AP uses feats from Paths of Prestige amongst others, if you don't have those sources either then you'll get the errors but still be able to see and use the NPC in HL, albeit with omitted data.
Thanks. I gathered that much. I was hoping for instructions on how to identify what data packages I would need to purchase based on the error presented. I have the PoP package now, but the same error is occuring. According to the book, the creature is from three sources, the Bestiary 3, APG, and the campaign specific bestiary.

I would like to know which packages I am still missing, but more importantly how I can find this information on my own in the future should I come across any other issues.

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