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Old September 25th, 2013, 08:25 AM
Bear with me, this is kind of long and complex, but I wanted to get the best problem description possible.


I am playing in a house rules 3.5 campaign with lots of variants. Most of them I have been able to handle through adding new elements, but one case is causing me some problems.

The campaign has no Draconic language and I want to replace it in the Wizard class (for instance) with Abyssal, Celestial, and Infernal as available bonus languages.

I am able to make a new class using copy from the existing Wizard class, remove the Draconic language and add Abyssal, Celestial, and Infernal.


1) If I make this a separate class and assign it to a House Rules source, I have the following problems.

Even if the House Rules source is not selected, the new class shows up in the list. Selecting the new source shows a bunch of "Attempt to access non-live" errors, which I think makes sense since most of the data is probably stored in the source .user file that isn't being loaded if it isn't selected.

Once the House Rules source is selected, both the original "Wizard" class and the "Wizard New" class work correctly

QUESTION: Why is the new class showing up even when the source is not selected?

2) What I _really_ want to do for neatness sake is that when this House Rules source is selected I want the d20 Wizard class to be replaced by this Wizard class. When I use "cHelpWiz" in the "Replaces Thing Id" for the new class, the Wizard-New class shows up twice in the "Level Up" list. Oddly, the first entry seems to be more associated with the original "Wizard" class (it contains both the max levels of 20 and the original "Wizard" description, though the languages show as changed).

No matter which of the two "Wizard-New" classes I pick, I get the error

Invalid tag expression specified for 'foreach' statement
Location: 'eval' script for component 'BaseClHelp' (Eval Script 'Calc cSpecial') near line 80

This also happens if I use "Wizard" as the name of the new class (though obviously it is "Wizard" that shows up twice).

QUESTION: Is there a way to do this substitution? Is there some additional component I need to clone and change?


Hero Lab V4.2b - #371
d20 System Data Files 4.1
Lawful_G_d20 (v1.9)


In a more general sense, is there some kind of documentation for finding and changing components in the HLEditor? I've been kind of learning based on a general idea of how these sorts of things work combined with experimentation and looking up answers on the forum, but that's proving a bit awkward as my changes get more complex.
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