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Old September 8th, 2013, 08:14 AM

I have a couple of basic SW character sheet output questions/issues -- they may well be discussed in the help files somewhere, but I couldn't find them on a quick search.

1) Weapons stacking -- I can stack weapons in the program, thus having "(6x) throwing knives," for instance, instead of six separate listings for one throwing knife each. However, my character sheet seems to drop the stacking multiplier for weapons, even though it includes the multiplier for gear -- thus, (6x) throwing knives becomes "throwing knife" on the sheet while (3x) water prints out as 3x water. Am I correct in this, or have I messed something up?

2) I haven't pushed the character sheet output to its limits yet, but I see some indications that the sheet, not including journal, is limited to a single sheet front and back. Is this correct? I ask because I notice that personal details seem to be limited to a single column on the back of the sheet -- anything that exceeds this gets cut off. I also noticed from output examples in the help file that Pathfinder output gives you many more options, such as spells and spellbooks. I thought you might need these in pathfinder so that the base character can appear on one sheet and the supplementary material appears on additional pages and that this is a feature not implemented into the Savage Worlds module (other than the journal).

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