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Old August 25th, 2013, 04:30 AM
Personally, for now, I think that to me just means making two snippets in that category right after each other. So you might have:

- DC: 15 Notice check to see the following:
- You notice a monster hiding in the tree tops above the trail!

The first one is basically your note for how to run it, the second is the one you'd actually reveal if they make the check. In some cases, where the outcome might not be obvious, you might also add a 3rd line about what happens if the PCs fail the check, then you are only revealing one snippet or the other as appropriate.

The reveal part comes in by pressing that bullet point at the left of your text. If your topic is revealed to the players they won't see any of those light blue bulleted items until you press it to make it turn green. That's the beauty of using snippets.

Lenny Zimmermann
Metairie, LA, USA

Data files authored (please let me know if you see any issues with any of these if you have/use them):
Official (In the downloader)
50 Fathoms, Deadlands: Hell On Earth, Deadlands: Noir, East Texas University, Necessary Evil (requires Super Powers Companion), Pirates of the Spanish Main, Space 1889 (original file by Erich), Tour of Darkness, Weird War II, Weird Wars: Rome
Coming Eventually
Evernight (LWD has completed their review but I have some fixes to make first... although Pinnacle mentioned this might get an overhaul to SWADE so I may just wait for that first. If you just HAVE to have this now, though, just PM me)

Last edited by zarlor; August 25th, 2013 at 06:40 AM.
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