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Old August 1st, 2013, 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by Grey Mage View Post
Monsters, feats, magic items, PCs/NPCs, classes, locations (primarily Greyhawk but over the years parties have gotten around) and lots of calendar (session logs) entries.
The good news is that you won't have to do all that work. At least not by yourself. A lot of that information is undoubtedly going to be created by others as well. I'm sure a community-driven spell book and bestiary will crop up quickly (if they weren't already done by the alpha testers). Feats, classes, races and other game mechanics will roll in as well.

The stuff that is going to take time will be content creation. Especially copyrighted content as we'll each need to recreate the wheel for each thing. But I'm actually looking forward to cutting and pasting and tagging and metadataing everything for APs and modules and setting materials myself as it will force me to really read and think about each thing more actively.
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