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Old May 1st, 2013, 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Adam.Ormond View Post
Kickstarter? Could probably raise the costs of initial development up front... I'd guess $40k would cover dev/manager costs, maybe as little as $20k. Are 2-4k users interested at $10 each? Not sure the user base is big enough.
Your cost estimate is way off compared to ours. We've already spent many times that amount on the iPad port. Since you already question whether we could raise enough for the low dollar figure you estimated above, it becomes significantly more questionable whether there's a big enough user base to support the actual investment required for an Android port.

Please note that I'm definitely *not* saying we're going to ignore the Android. However, we first need to get the iPad fully finished and then see how the consumer response shapes up for the iPad.

Based on all the data I've seen, the overall Android market is much bigger than iOS, but that includes phones, and the Android *tablet* market pales in contrast to the iPad. That's a critical detail that consumers who don't look closely at the data can easily overlook. Since all we're targeting right now is the tablet, that's market size difference represents a critical factor for the viability of an Android port as well.

Once we have a solid idea of how the full iPad version is actually doing, we'll be able to make an informed decision. But we aren't there yet. When we do get there (best guess is this summer), Kickstarter will most likely factor into the equation as well.

Hope this information helps!
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