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wilkins65 at
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Old January 23rd, 2005, 09:45 AM

I'd like to be a part of what ever members do volunteer for this
task. There really should be at least three people that the files go
through for proofreading before release to minimize errors and

I have reverted to using l5r-the-game for my deck building and
spreadsheets for my inventory as the lack of updates has made
cardvault useless for me. (I only play l5r)

I might add that if the CV editor posessed the ability to import
from spreadsheet type applications we wouldn't even be having this
thread. Those are readily available on the web for most games. At
present the program makes entry tedious for a new set.


--- In, Rob Bowes <rob@w...> wrote:
> Yes, we've got a conversion program in place. The converter
handles all the
> nastiness of chasing down card equivalences (e.g. "Soul of..." and
> "Experienced" cards), identifying all the appropriate key words,
> identifying exclusions (e.g. "Will not join..."), etc. So all
the "hard"
> stuff is done by the converter. What's missing is active knowledge
> the game itself so that the data can be quality controlled.
> If you'd be willing to take on that task, that would be awesome.
> converter ideally needs to be modified to have all of the tables
> external to the code so that a non-programmer can maintain things
(e.g. add
> new keywords introduced by a new release without having to
recompile the
> converter). If you're willing to take ownership of the L5R files,
> spend the time to do this with the converter. Please confirm with
> directly on this at rob@w...
> -Rob
> At 03:18 PM 1/19/2005 -0600, you wrote:
> >I know that they wrote a conversion program and were getting the
data from
> >AEG. I would be more than glad to handle the on-going
maintenance of the
> >program to keep the files up to date (especially because I would
like to
> >subvert it to work on my Raw Deal files as well).
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rob Bowes (rob@w...) (650) 588-8252
> Lone Wolf Development
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