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kuni_tetsu at
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Old September 20th, 2003, 05:15 AM
--- Colen McAlister <> wrote:
> This group is not an appropriate place to advertise or discuss
> buying/selling/trading of cards and miniatures, except as it pertains to
> the use of Card Vault. There are plenty of other web sites and mailing
> lists out there that let you do this, so please keep this group for
> questions and/or discussion about CV itself.

Since CardVault is an open list, I would also recommend putting new members on
moderation. It is an option on Yahoo Groups. That prevents spammers from
joining and then firing off a SPAM. Once a member has posted a couple of times,
you can move them off of moderation.

It is a bit more work for moderators, but not a lot, and it prevents SPAM on
your list.

I do this on my lists, and it have saved me a couple of headaches.


Kuni Tetsu
Clan War rules guy
Moderator of ClanWar-l

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