Thread: MRPS in L5R
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kuni_tetsu at
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Old September 11th, 2003, 04:28 AM
--- Alex Durden <> wrote:
> --- In, Ramón Peña <kunimon@w...>
> wrote:
> > Factions aren't good for sorting at all, because now half the
> > Dragons (for instance) are also Brotherhood and they come out of
> > sequence.
> While Factions may be bad for a computer program, their great when
> sorting cards in RL. No one puts their Dragon Monks in a different
> pile than Just Dragons because they all have the same border.

Someone who is more interested in playing Brotherhood than Dragon may disagree
with you on that point.

> Are you
> saying the problem is with the people sorting thier cards? If so, I
> think a lot of people will give up on CV because they can't get the
> program to sort like they do. No one wants to reorganize their
> collection because some program is telling them that a group of clans
> obviously from the same faction is actually two different factions.

Well... If you want to generate the border data for 6K+ cards, I am sure that
Rob would be willing to add the data.

> Secondly, different sorting patterns for RL and CV will most like
> cause resentment.

Or you could just spend a little bit of effort to filter only dragon
personalities when doing your dragon cards, and you will get all the dragons in
one place. It takes a little bit longer, but not much.

I have never seen a single piece of software that does exactly what I want that
I have not written myself... or even those for that matter, since I have never
written bug-free code. If someone is going to abandon a piece of software
because it does not do *exactly* what they want, then they are certainly not
going to find any piece of software to fit the bill. CV is a lot better than
most of the alternatives.

> The typical user wants a interface that can be
> tailored to his collection. In the case of L5R, that collection has
> been put into a particular order for a very long time. Given the
> choice between changing how they file their cards in RL and finding a
> different inventory program, it will be easier to find a different
> inventory program.

Since no other inventory program is going to do that either, how is that going
to work? Are they going to make their own Access database and put in all the
cards? I actually did that for Imperial, back in the day.

> > So to resume my point: card description should have the card text
> > "as written"; stats should be modified according to any MRP or
> > errata.
> For deck building, yes. The Merge Duplicates option does a fantastic
> job of this. For Inventory Management, where MRPs mean absolutely
> nothing, and what's on the face of the physical means everything, I
> couldn't disagree more.

Short of making two sets of stats ('printed' and 'play' for instance) there is
no easy answer to this. Compromises were made in an attempt to get all this
data available to people.

Any volunteers to correct all the cards to collect the printed traits for all
the old cards?


Kuni Tetsu
Clan War rules guy
Moderator of ClanWar-l

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