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kuni_tetsu at
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Old August 18th, 2003, 04:27 AM
--- Alex Durden <> wrote:
> I was poking around the new L5R data files, and here's what I found.
> Cornered - Pearl Editon
> Rarity: "Common" should be "Reprint"
> (I think that was a relic from Tetsu's files.)
> file under wierdness...
> Akodo Tadenori (Gold #196)is hidden when Merge Duplicate is on in the
> deck editor by Akodo Tadenori (Winds of Change #43), which is a
> seperate, experienced card. Would adding "(Exp)" to the end of the
> card name fix this?

Yes, it would. Rob has been making improvements in the data conversion engine
that should fix this one, I suspect.

> [note]
> Faction clauses on non-personality cards are usually reserved for a
> card that will "only attach to a" personality of that faction or "may
> only be put into play by" a faction, such as Clan Swords, House
> Guards, and faction specific holdings.
> [/note]

That is the way I always did it in the past.

> Prophets
> Winds of Change #121
> While it does have the "Monk" trait, it should not be listed as
> "Brotherhood" faction.

As long as it does not have one of the previously mentioned clauses, that would
be correct.

> Corrupted Dojo - Winds of Change #21
> Oblivion's Gate - Winds of Change #11
> Wretches - Winds of Change #22
> While they do have the "Shadowlands" trait, they should not have the
> "Shadowlands" faction.

Same as above

> Ch'tppu'kich - Fall of Otosan Uchi #29
> Should not have "Ratling" faction

Huh? What is up with this one?

> Dojo Raiden - Fall of Otosan Uchi #28
> Should not have "Mantis" faction

This one came from the data file, IIRC.

> [note]
> Also, the Unaligned trait does not necessary mean the character
> should
> be in the "No Alignment" faction. Most of the Toturi's Army
> personalities have the Unaligned trait, but they don't fall into the
> None faction.
> [/note]

This one has already been brought up to Rob.

> That's it for now. Is there a more appropriate place for these
> corrections?

For tight now, I don't think so... I could add Rob to cv-l5r if he wants, and
that could be used to report errors... Rob?


Kuni Tetsu
Clan War rules guy
Moderator of ClanWar-l

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