Thread: Datafiles
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emperor799 at earthlink.n
Posts: n/a

Old May 23rd, 2003, 04:54 PM
Since a lot of work goes into creating the rules files and such, I, for one, would prefer if authors released datafiles as soon as all cards have been entered, for use for inventory purposes only, and then have an update released when the deckbuilding part of the files are finished. That way, we can be using the files for inventory tracking, and when deckbuilding support is ready, we'll already have our inventory in there and ready for deckbuilding. This also gets new game systems out sooner to users, and makes things easier for authors who don't have the time to work on the rules files. I'm not saying inventory should ALWAYS be released alone, but when it is done, and the rules files are not and will not be done soon, I would prefer having unfinished datafiles that allow me to track inventory, as opposed to waiting months for full files. I used the below as an example, something Ed posted in March about the Doomtown files, but I've also read about other authors who have been holding datafiles waiting for rules files to be worked on, and at least one author who said he plans to write only inventory files in favor of getting more datafiles out that way. With all the catching up that needs to be done (there are over 130 CCGs after all), I think his approach is the more sensible one. Now, deckbuilding is, of course, important, but with all the mainstream and almost all the currently supported CCGs already having full datafiles available, perhaps this is the most logical choice for the MANY other, less important CCGs.

--Kyle Turner

----- Original Message -----
From: Edward Bolme
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [CardVault] Doomtown

> Will there be Doomtown files soon then??

The database of cards is complete. We just need to translate it into XML and
create the rules files.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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