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Old February 19th, 2013, 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by souldreamer View Post
I have a request for the Pixie that is available from the MM(1) content.

Would it be possible to include the details about their available spell-like abilities...
Is it possible? Yes. Is it practical? Probably not. The pixie (following your example) has 10 (or more) spells it can use as a spell-like ability. To add the descriptions of that many spells to the description text would be some serious clutter. In this case, it wouldn't be quite as bad only because of the overlap of some of the spells, but I think you get the idea.

My recommendation would be to create a class that uses those spells, select them then print out a sheet that has the descriptions of them as an addendum to your character.

...and their special arrows?
This is already getting done. Is there something you're not seeing that should be there?

It would be even more awesome if the DCs for their abilities were calculated.
This seems more doable, though the DC's would only change if the creature gains an increase in the pertinent stat. There may also be something tied into class levels, but I'd have to look into it to be sure. Regardless, this would be relatively easy to do for the pixie.

It's a silly request, I know, but would make it easier to use.
Not silly at all. It would definitely make life a lot easier.

Additionally, I suspect there are other monster classes in the MM that would also benefit from information about their special abilities.
This is what would make this a massive project. Doing it for one is easy. Doing it for all would be a major undertaking, and I don't really have the time to delve into it now.

Last edited by Sendric; February 19th, 2013 at 11:55 AM.
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