Thread: L5R
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Old December 4th, 2002, 06:28 PM
At 01:46 PM 12/4/2002 -0800, you wrote:

>--- Edward Bolme <> wrote:
> > "The L5R Experience." Great idea, IMHO.
>Well... since I have those cards, I can enter that myself.
>Hmmm... If I give these sets an order smaller than all legitimate sets, then
>they will always collapse to the "bottom", and not be visible unless those are
>the only thing you select. That might be the best way to do them, so that they
>will not impact anyone looking at deck design.
>Rob, can I adjust the order of the episodes without impacting Inventory files?
>If I cannot, then we will have to think of something else.

You can change the 'special' and 'order' tags for a card as much as you
like without affecting inventories. If you want, you could give them a very
low 'special' value (so that they don't interfere with MRP rules) but their
proper 'order' value, and make the tag group be sorted explicitly. That way
they'd appear in the right order when sorted by release, but would be
'overruled' by all other cards when MRP was being used. The Magi-Nation
datafiles do this.

Colen McAlister (
Lone Wolf Development
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