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kuni_tetsu at
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Old September 18th, 2002, 02:57 AM
--- RDJ <> wrote:
> First: I keep all my playing cards separate from my collection
> binders. It would be nice to have a separate column to check off
> that I have a card in a binder. I need to count these separate from
> my inventory since I don't play with what is in the binder.

Well, use "Mint" quality for the stuff in the binder, and a different quality
for the stuff you use to play.

> Second: I like the way I can customize and export a deck listing to
> HTML. It would be nice however to be able to export the whole list
> to an excel spreadsheet (assuming that the item above is not going to
> come available). I don't need to export anything but the card name,
> color, type, release and rarity. yet there is no way to currently do
> this.

Hmmm... this would actually be fairly trivial to add as an extension. All you
have to do is read in the XML data from the deck, and then output it as a csv
file that will easily import into Excel. If I was good enough with XML, you
could likely do it with an XSL sheet.

> 2. I found that video refresh and mouse movement is very jetky in
> Windows XP. Moved the program over to Win98 and everything
> significantly improved.

That has to do with system overhead (assuming you have the same processor speed
on both systems). As they say "Andy giveth, and Bill taketh away." - Every
version of Windows consumes a significantly greater amount of cycles to perform
the same tasks


Kuni Tetsu
Clan War rules guy
Moderator of ClanWar-l

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