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imhotepthearchitect at ya
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Old February 10th, 2003, 08:33 AM
Just a note... I used tables for options (Mark of Chaos etc.). I have also used tables for tweaks, specifically when upgrading a pintle weapon. I have noticed some quirks with ztbl... notably that it won't show your Text description beyond the First 3 characters.... maybe rename the description part of the ztbl (The part before the tweak name) so they are all unique.
It may have been me, but I had an awful time getting ztbl to work.

"Mike E <>" <> wrote:OK, I need the assistance of the group, because I'm stumped.

David Brons and I are in the process of completing all of the
Inquisitor file updates I've been too lazy to make over the past
year . However, one of the requests i've received is to create
a "custom weapon" option, so that players can create their own
weapons, where one is not available.

I think this is a great idea, and am in the process of implementing
it. However, I didn't want there to be a 20 page list of options to
select, so I'm trying to borrow an idea that I saw in the new 40k
chaos file--using the 'tabl' attribute.

Specifically, i'm attempting to use 'ztbl', which is the "tweaks"
version of 'tabl'.

What I'm trying to do is this:

For a custom pistol, there is only ever one range for the weapon--
it's either Range A, or Range J, for example. So I want the user to
select their range using the 'ztbl' attribute. Looking at the code
for the chaos.40k file, I believe I've put the attribute together
correctly, and it lets me save it (meaning there are no errors in it).

However, I've specified a list of about 20 ranges or so to appear in
the table/list--all but one of those "tweak" options are in
the "inquisitor.inq" file, while the last one is in
the "customweapons.inq" file. When I launch AB to look at what I've
created, the tabled tweak/option shows up for "Custom Pistol", but it
only has 2 options, and they don't correlate to anything that I've
created (they do, somehow--but I don't get it!).

So--what am I doing wrong? I've put a folder in the files
section, "temporary inquisitor file problem", if you're interested in
taking a peek. I can't figure out if it isn't working because some
of the tweaks are in "customweapons.inq" and some are
in "inquisitor.inq", or because I've keyed the data wrong, or because
of some other reason? I believe I've spelled all of the tweaks
correctly, and now I'm stumped!

Any help is appreciated.

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