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graham.tracey at
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Old June 6th, 2002, 07:52 AM
May apologoes, it is a local attribute.

The ! should have worked, as you would save use it
xcmp:Supp-race=!(two letters of normal race) Ie: the race designation
there would be the race that it is defined in.

As a matter of fact, if you have ever looked at the Warhammer 40k
files, that is exactly how the Harlequins are done. They also define
a type based on the same rule (!ha) and use that type to limit

Anyhow, glad I could be of a little assistance.

Graham T.

--- In armybuilder@y..., "Keith" <mobo@a...> wrote:
> I could not figure out how to do the race part. However, using the
code you gave as an external attribute, ABC will not let you save
it. I think that "xcmp:" is a local attribute only. I put your code
in as a local attribute and that just re-assigned the Comp for the
race it belongs to. It does not even show up in the allied race.
Any ideas? I do appreciate the help!
> Thanks,
> Keith
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